Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year

Kwanzaa candles (Kinara) cartoon-like image. T...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Happy Kwanzaa and Happy New Year!

Yours Because He Lives,

Rev. Mel

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Four Days To Christmas

There are four more days till Christmas and although my shopping as been limited to purchases for, ‘Share Your Warmth’; I haven’t seen very many people in the stores.  Maybe they’re recouping financially from the day after Christmas.   

 Maybe I was in the wrong stores.  But just maybe the people of God have decided to recognize Christmas as what it really is - the birthday of Jesus Christ. This would mean that our gift giving would be as unto the Lord.  

 So, in my sanctified imagination, I see the people of God spending time in shelters, nursing homes, and other places that house those who might not have family or the love of Christ.  I envision parents teaching their children how to give to others.   

 In my Christ mind, there is peace in the valley for you and for me; justice flowing down like rivers; the multitudes fed; and healing of every sickness and disease.  In Spanish, ‘mas’ means more; therefore it is my prayer that we will put more Christ in Christmas!

Yours Because He Lives,

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Black Lives Matter

I want to thank each of you that joined us in our moment of solidarity with churches across the state for "Black Lives Matter". Your prayers and sharing was rich and a blessing to all who attended. We determined to leave the gathering with something that could be done immediately and a long range plan.

It was decided that we would be intentional about praying for our youth and communities daily.  Asking God to remove any biases we have- yes we sometimes harbor objections to people not exactly like us.

We will meet again on January 11th immediately after service to begin the planning for our long range goal of taking our prayers into the community and covering particular areas with the Oil of Gladness.

Yours Because He Lives.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Philippians 1:3

I thank my God upon every remembrance of You!
Philippians 1:3

Yours Because He Lives

Sunday, November 30, 2014


There's something about waiting that most of us don't like. Waiting takes entirely too long! But I've heard that anything worth having is worth waiting for. That's exactly what the season of Advent is about: waiting on the birth of the worthy Lamb of God.

Today marks the beginning of the four week season of waiting that allows us to prepare our Minds, Bodies and Souls for the birth of Christ. So, it is not only a time to wait; it is a time of hope and a time of prayerfully contemplation.

Let's usher in our Savior by praying together daily as a church.

Yours Because He Lives.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


In the later part of this week, people all over will celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday. For some, this will be a day like no other as sadness looms over the loss of loved ones, marriages, jobs, etc.

Others will look forward to Black Friday and immerse their joy or sorrow in debt. In my family, just before dinner is served, we will hold hands and go around the circle to lift up who and what we're thankful for. My son, Ernest, will more than likely follow the tradition set by my late father and bless the food.

Whatever you willbe doing or wherever you are, it is my prayer that you know how thankful my family and I are for Jesus and you.

May the God who's all knowing, rest, rule and abide in each of your hearts and bring you peace.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dr. Myles Munroe

On this day our heartfelt tears and jubilation go out to a life well-lived. Dr. Myles Munroe, his wie and others perished in a plane crash several days ago.  Dr. Munroe was a noted pastor, author and motivational speaker. He is known for having said, "Success is not just existing; success is making it to the end of why you were born."

Why were you born? God has already determined a path for your life and it's a good one. I pray for and with you that if you haven't found your purpose that you will soon. You were created in the image of God to have life and have it more abundantly. Let's live!

Your Because He Lives.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Precious Blessings

It is my prayer that each of you pondered what it is in your life that is keeping your turn from coming. I fervently believe that God has an unlimited supply of precious blessings for each of you.

These gifts will not only enhance your life, but edify the people of God. Our journey is not exclusive it is inclusive. If you haven't discerned the place of bondage as yourself, "How can I serve you Lord?"

Look around your home, community and the world. Look at nature. Look in the paper. Look around your church. Close your eyes and mediate as Deacon McRoberts suggested.

You will certainly not only discover the place of bondage, but where the Lord is leading you for service.

Yours Because He Lives.